ChatGPT Plugin Development - How Enterprises Are Taking Advantage of New Growth Opportunities
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ChatGPT Plugin Development - How Enterprises Are Taking Advantage of New Growth Opportunities

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a vital asset for enterprises across multiple industries in modern lightning-fast technological environment. ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, is one AI model that has gained huge traction. OpenAI’s model is a useful tool for communication and data processing due to its outstanding capacity to understand and generate human-like writing.

It is critical for business leaders, particularly those in upper management at large international corporations, to stay ahead of others and see what is possible. Integrating your services with ChatGPT can unlock a new growth engine, and take your company's offering to the next level. Enterprises can unlock additional functionality targeted to their specific needs by developing customized plugins for ChatGPT.

Companies like Klarna, Kayak, Expedia, and many more are using ChatGPT plugins to augment their user experience and increase revenues.

Here are a few reasons why developing a ChatGPT plugin is advantageous for your businesses, organized by industry:

Financial Services

  • Automated Customer Support: Develop a plugin that can manage customer inquiries about accounts, transactions, and services, reducing the workload on human agents.
  • Fraud Detection: Integrate ChatGPT with your existing fraud detection systems through a plugin to enhance its ability to identify and alert about suspicious activities.


  • Personalized Shopping Experience: Develop a plugin to provide personalized product recommendations and shopping advice to customers.
  • Inventory Management: A ChatGPT plugin can assist in tracking and managing inventory levels, helping to avoid stockouts or overstocking.


  • Supply Chain Optimization: By creating a plugin that analyzes supply chain data, ChatGPT can provide insights to optimize procurement, production, and distribution processes.
  • Quality Control: Integrate ChatGPT with your quality control systems through a plugin to enhance its ability to detect and address manufacturing defects.


  • Automated Grading: Create a plugin that automates grading of assignments and exams, saving educators valuable time.
  • Virtual Tutors: Develop a plugin to provide personalized learning experiences and tutoring to students in various subjects.


  • Guest Services Automation: A ChatGPT plugin can automate guest services such as booking, check-in, and inquiries, enhancing guest experience.
  • Feedback Analysis: Integrate ChatGPT with customer feedback systems through a plugin to gain insights into guest satisfaction and areas for improvement.


  • Appointment Scheduling: A plugin can facilitate the booking and management of appointments, improving patient satisfaction and streamlining administrative tasks.
  • Medical Records Management: Create a plugin that helps in processing and managing patient data, ensuring quick and secure access to medical records.

By following the steps outlined in this article and adhering to best practices, you can create a powerful and efficient plugin that enhances ChatGPT's capabilities for your enterprise. Whether it's improving customer service, streamlining operations, or driving innovation, the possibilities are limitless.

Stay with us as we dive into the steps involved in creating a custom plugin for ChatGPT and explore how you can leverage this cutting-edge AI technology to propel your business to new heights.

Section 1: Building the API for Your Plugin

In the digital age, APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, have become the building blocks of modern software. If you are not a technical expert who might not deal with the technical details daily, think of an API as a waiter in a restaurant. It takes your request, goes to the kitchen (the system), and returns with the information or service you asked for. This simplicity and efficiency make APIs essential in integrating and extending the functionalities of existing software, such as ChatGPT.

What is an API and Why is it Important?

An API allows two different software systems to communicate and share data and functionalities with each other. In the context of creating a plugin for ChatGPT, the API will serve as the backbone, allowing your plugin to interact with ChatGPT and other systems. This is particularly crucial for enterprises as it ensures that the custom functionalities you are creating through the plugin can be efficiently accessed and utilized.

Creating the Backend API

When building the API for your plugin, you can either create a new API or use an existing one. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

New API vs. Existing API

  • New API: Creating a new API allows for more customization and control. This is ideal if you have specific or complex requirements that existing APIs cannot fulfill.
  • Existing API: Utilizing an existing API can save time and resources. This option is suitable if there is already an API that meets your enterprise’s needs.

Following RESTful Conventions

It is advisable to ensure that your API follows RESTful conventions. REST, which stands for Representational State Transfer, is a set of conventions for creating APIs that are scalable, reliable, and easy to use. RESTful APIs use standard HTTP methods, and this convention is widely adopted due to its simplicity and performance.

Returning Data in JSON Format

Ensure that your API returns data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. JSON is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. Its compatibility with various programming languages and its ability to represent complex data structures make it the preferred choice for modern web applications.

Section 2: Creating the OpenAPI Specification

With the backend API in place, the next crucial step in crafting a ChatGPT plugin is generating an OpenAPI Specification (OAS). Understanding the importance and role of OAS is essential for driving innovation and ensuring interoperability among various systems in your organization.

What is OpenAPI Specification and Why is it Important?

OpenAPI Specification is a standard format for describing APIs. In simpler terms, it's like a menu in a restaurant, detailing what is available, how to order, and what to expect. This specification provides a clear understanding of the API's functionalities, endpoints, request parameters, and expected responses. For ChatGPT, this is particularly significant as it allows the language model to comprehend and interact efficiently with your API. As a result, OAS plays a pivotal role in ensuring that your plugin seamlessly integrates with ChatGPT and performs according to expectations.

Steps to Create the OpenAPI Specification

Choosing the Format: YAML or JSON

OAS can be written in either YAML or JSON format. While both are effective, they have distinct characteristics:

  • YAML: Stands for "YAML Ain't Markup Language." It is more human-readable and is often considered easier to write and understand.
  • JSON: Stands for "JavaScript Object Notation." It is more compact and is natively supported by JavaScript, making it well-suited for web applications.

The choice between YAML and JSON depends on your team's preferences and the specific requirements of your project.

Documenting Your API

When creating the OpenAPI Specification, it's imperative to document your API meticulously. Here’s what you need to include:

  • Endpoints: Specify the various endpoints that your API exposes.
  • Request Parameters: Detail the parameters that can be passed in a request to your API.
  • Expected Responses: Describe the responses that the API will return.
  • Error Messages: Define the error messages that the API may return, so that users know how to troubleshoot or correct their requests.

Section 3: Crafting the Plugin Manifest

The Plugin Manifest acts as the identity card of your plugin, offering vital information about what your plugin does and how it interacts with the ChatGPT system.

Understanding the Plugin Manifest

A Plugin Manifest is a JSON file that contains metadata about your plugin. Think of it as a profile that introduces your plugin to ChatGPT and anyone who might use it. This profile contains critical information such as the plugin’s name, description, authentication method, API specification URL, logo, contact information, and more. It's a concise way to communicate the purpose and functionality of your plugin, ensuring that it can be efficiently integrated and managed.

Creating the Plugin Manifest File

Creating the Plugin Manifest involves generating an ai-plugin.json file and hosting it on the API's domain. This file should adhere to the manifest schema provided by ChatGPT. Here are the essential components that must be included in the manifest file:

  • Name: Specify the name of your plugin. This should be concise and indicative of what the plugin does.
  • Description: Provide a brief description that explains the functionality and purpose of your plugin.
  • API Specification URL: Include the URL where the OpenAPI Specification of your API is hosted. ChatGPT will use this to understand how to interact with your plugin.
  • Logo URL: If available, provide the URL of a logo image for your plugin. This helps in visually identifying your plugin.
  • Homepage: Include the URL of a homepage or documentation page for your plugin. This is especially useful for users who want more information or support.
  • Authentication: Specify the authentication method required by your plugin. This is important for security and access control.
  • Contact Information: Provide contact information (such as an email address) for support or inquiries related to your plugin.

Here's an example of what the Plugin Manifest might look like:

  "name": "Financial Analysis Plugin", 
  "description": "A plugin that offers financial analysis tools for enterprises.", 
  "api_spec_url": "", 
  "logo_url": "", 
  "homepage": "", 
  "authentication": { 
    "type": "api_key" 
  "contact": { 
    "email": "" 

Hosting the Manifest File

Once you have created the ai-plugin.json file, it's important to host it on the API's domain. This ensures that ChatGPT can access the manifest and understand how to interact with your plugin. It is recommended to host the manifest file at the /.well-known/ path on your server.

Section 4: Testing and Debugging Your Plugin

We are sure you are well-acquainted with the adage "measure twice, cut once." In the world of software development, this wisdom is embodied in the processes of testing and debugging. Ensuring that your ChatGPT plugin is thoroughly tested and free of critical bugs is paramount to its success and reliability.

Understanding the Importance of Testing

Testing is the process of evaluating your plugin under controlled conditions to ensure that it functions as intended. Debugging, on the other hand, involves identifying and resolving issues that arise during testing. These steps are critical to ensuring that your plugin is reliable, secure, and provides the desired functionalities efficiently. We have written multiple times in the past why testing is absolutely crucial.

Local Testing

Before deploying your plugin to a live environment, it is wise to test it locally. This means running your API on a local server and installing the plugin using ChatGPT’s interface. Here’s how you can go about it:

  1. Run Your API Locally: Start your API on a local server. This allows you to interact with it as if it were live, but in a controlled environment.
  1. Install the Plugin: Use ChatGPT’s interface to install your plugin. Select the “Install an unverified plugin” option and point it to your local ai-plugin.json file. This will allow ChatGPT to interact with your locally running API.
  1. Test and Observe: Actively test the plugin by interacting with it through ChatGPT. Pay attention to the responses and behavior to ensure that it aligns with your expectations.
  1. Debug: If you encounter any issues or unexpected behavior, this is the time to investigate. Identify the root causes and make the necessary adjustments to your code.

Remote Testing

Once you are satisfied with the local testing, it is time to test how your plugin performs in a more realistic environment. Remote testing involves deploying your API and manifest file to a server. Here’s how:

  1. Deploy Your API and Manifest File: Upload your API and the ai-plugin.json file to a publicly accessible server.
  1. Install the Plugin Remotely: Similar to local installation, use ChatGPT’s interface to install your plugin. This time, point it to the remote ai-plugin.json file.
  1. Conduct Thorough Testing: Again, actively test the plugin through ChatGPT. This time, you’re looking at how it performs in an environment that’s closer to what end-users will experience.
  1. Iterate and Debug as Needed: As with local testing, if issues arise, resolve them. This might involve several cycles of adjustment and testing.

Section 5: Refining Your Plugin

Constant improvement is the key to staying ahead among your competition. After testing and debugging your ChatGPT plugin, it's time to refine it. Refining involves making iterative improvements to your plugin, enhancing its efficiency, and ensuring that it effectively serves the specific needs of your industry and enterprise.

Optimizing Descriptions and Instructions

One of the primary aspects to focus on while refining your plugin is the clarity and effectiveness of the descriptions in your OpenAPI Specification and manifest file. This is crucial for ensuring that ChatGPT can interact with your plugin optimally. Test different descriptions and instructions to find the most effective way for the model to understand and utilize your plugin. Remember, like a well-trained employee, the clearer the instructions you give to ChatGPT through your plugin, the better it performs.

Performance Optimization

For a ChatGPT plugin to be valuable to an enterprise, it must be efficient. Here are some tips for optimizing the performance of your plugin:

  1. Reduce Response Payload Size: Trim down the size of the API responses to include only the most relevant and necessary information. This helps your plugin work within the context limit of ChatGPT and deliver faster responses.
  1. Cache API Responses: Implement caching mechanisms to store frequently accessed API responses. This reduces the load on your API and improves response times, making it invaluable in scenarios where timely access to data is critical, such as in supply chain management or customer service.
  1. Optimize API Query Parameters: Utilize the most efficient query parameters in your API to reduce the amount of data being processed and returned. This not only improves performance but also reduces the likelihood of reaching rate limits imposed by external APIs. This is particularly important in industries that deal with large datasets, such as analytics or big data.

User Feedback and Adjustments

Another important aspect of refining your plugin is incorporating feedback from end-users. Encourage users within your enterprise to test the plugin and provide feedback. Analyze this feedback for common issues or suggestions and use it to make informed adjustments to your plugin. This process is akin to market research and product development, ensuring that your plugin is tailored to the real-world needs of your enterprise.

Section 6: Deploying Your Plugin

In the corporate world, bringing a product or solution to market is a momentous step. It marks the culmination of hard work, innovation, and strategic planning. Similarly, deploying your ChatGPT plugin is the final step in making your innovation available to the wider audience within your enterprise. This section will guide you through the critical process of deploying your ChatGPT plugin.

Pre-Deployment Checklist

Before deploying your plugin, it's imperative to have a checklist to ensure that everything is in order. Here’s a simplified checklist:

Testing and Debugging Completed: Ensure that you have thoroughly tested and debugged your plugin both locally and remotely.

Performance Optimized: Confirm that performance optimizations, including reducing payload size, caching, and query parameter optimizations, have been implemented.

Documentation Ready: Ensure that the OpenAPI Specification and other documentation are complete and well-written.

User Feedback Incorporated: Make sure that feedback from initial users has been taken into account and necessary refinements have been made.

Deploying to a Public Server

Now that everything is in order, it’s time to deploy your plugin.

Deploy Your API: Start by deploying the final version of your API to a publicly accessible server. Ensure that it’s scalable and secure, especially if you are in an industry that deals with sensitive data, like healthcare or finance.

Host the Manifest File: Next, host the ai-plugin.json file on the same domain as your API. It is important to place this file at the /.well-known/ path on your server. This standard location ensures that ChatGPT and other services can discover it easily.

Verify Accessibility: After deploying, verify that the API and manifest file are accessible publicly. Test by accessing the manifest file and API endpoints through a web browser or a tool like curl.

Install the Plugin in ChatGPT: Finally, use ChatGPT’s interface to install your plugin by pointing it to the remote ai-plugin.json file.

Monitoring and Support

Post-deployment, it's critical to continuously monitor the performance and usage of your plugin. Set up monitoring tools to keep an eye on API usage, response times, and error rates. Additionally, provide support channels for users to report issues or ask questions.

Example: ChatGPT Financial Services Plugin. How Klarna Delivers Value Through ChatGPT Plugin Development

Klarna, a prominent global retail bank and shopping service, integrated its tool with ChatGPT through a collaboration with OpenAI. The integration aims to enhance the shopping experience by providing users with personalized and intuitive product recommendations.  

Here’s how Klarna implemented the integration:

Collaboration with OpenAI: Klarna's engineering teams collaborated with OpenAI to integrate Klarna's shopping service into ChatGPT. Klarna was one of the first brands to use OpenAI's protocol for creating an integrated plugin for ChatGPT.

Curated Product Recommendations: Klarna's integration enables ChatGPT to provide users with curated product recommendations based on their queries. For instance, if a user is looking for gift ideas for a niece who loves unicorns, Klarna through ChatGPT will present a selection of unicorn-themed products. Users can also send feedback to ChatGPT to refine the recommendations.

Rich Product Search Tool: Klarna has a rich product search tool that allows users to compare prices across thousands of retailers and filter products by attributes such as color, size, and customer ratings. The integration allows users to leverage this tool through ChatGPT.

How the Integration Works for Consumers:

  • Users can install the Klarna plugin from ChatGPT's plugin store.
  • After installation, users can ask ChatGPT for shopping ideas, and the AI will present a curated selection of items relevant to their request. ChatGPT decides when to use the plugin based on the conversation.
  • Users have the option to give further prompts or ask for additional product recommendations.
  • By clicking on a product link, users are directed to Klarna’s search and compare tool where they can compare prices across different brands.

Gradual Rollout: In line with OpenAI’s commitment to developing AI safely, the Klarna plugin will be gradually enabled for ChatGPT users. It will initially be available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers in the US and Canada, and will expand to more users and regions after a period of safety testing, development, and improvement.

Value Creation: Klarna's CEO, Sebastian Siemiatkowski, expressed excitement about the integration, stating that it passes his "north star" criteria of being easy to use and solving problems for consumers. The integration is seen as a step in Klarna's commitment to innovation, creating value for its retail partners and providing a unique shopping experience for consumers. It also aims to help retailers connect with broader audiences and acquire new customers.

If you are looking for other possible use cases for a ChatGPT plugin within the financial industry, there are multiple examples:  

Customer Support and FAQs: A plugin can be designed to handle customer inquiries and frequently asked questions, reducing response times and relieving the burden on human customer service representatives.

Personal Finance Management: Integration with personal finance management tools can allow users to ask ChatGPT for insights into their spending habits, budget suggestions, and investment advice.

Market Analysis and Financial News: A plugin can provide users with real-time market data, analysis, and financial news, helping investors and professionals make informed decisions.

Loan and Credit Card Applications: A plugin could guide users through the process of applying for loans or credit cards, answering questions and collecting necessary information.

Financial Education and Literacy: A ChatGPT plugin could offer educational content and quizzes on financial literacy topics, helping users to improve their understanding of personal finance, investments, and economics.

Virtual Financial Advisor: A ChatGPT plugin can act as a virtual financial advisor, providing personalized financial planning and investment advice based on the user's financial goals and risk tolerance.

Example: How Expedia Uses ChatGPT in the Travel Industry

Expedia, as part of the Expedia Group which also owns, VRBO, Travelocity, Hotwire, and Orbitz, is a prominent player in the travel industry. Its primary services revolve around providing a platform for users to book flights, hotels, car rentals, and various travel activities. The development of a ChatGPT plugin signifies Expedia's commitment to innovation and improving customer experience in the evolving travel landscape.

Convenience and Personalization

One of the most significant advantages of the Expedia ChatGPT plugin is the convenience and personalization it offers to travelers. By integrating with ChatGPT, Expedia allows users to easily plan their trips through a conversational interface. Instead of navigating through various tabs and filters on a website, users can simply type in natural language queries and receive personalized responses. This simulates the experience of talking to a human travel agent, who understands your preferences and provides tailored recommendations.

Efficiency in Travel Planning

Efficiency in travel planning is another aspect where the Expedia ChatGPT plugin excels. Users can quickly get information on flights, hotels, car rentals, and activities by interacting with ChatGPT. This is particularly helpful for users who may not have the time or expertise to sift through the plethora of options available on travel websites. By providing a more focused and streamlined approach, the plugin ensures that users spend less time planning and more time enjoying their trips.


The Expedia ChatGPT plugin can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may find traditional travel websites overwhelming or difficult to navigate. The natural language processing capabilities of ChatGPT make it easy for users to communicate their travel needs without having to understand complex filters and search criteria. This makes travel planning more accessible to a broader range of individuals, including those who may not be as tech-savvy.

Real-time Data and Recommendations

With the integration of ChatGPT, Expedia can provide real-time data and recommendations to travelers. This is crucial in the travel industry where prices and availability can fluctuate rapidly. ChatGPT can access Expedia's extensive database to provide the most up-to-date information on flights, accommodations, and more.

Potential Applications for AI in the Travel Industry

That’s not where the potential for ChatGPT ends in the travel industry. Here are some other ideas your company implement:

  • Cultural Guide Plugin: This plugin would provide travelers with cultural information and etiquette tips for the destination they are visiting. It could offer insights on greeting customs, dress codes, tipping practices, and other cultural nuances.
  • Travel Budgeting Plugin: A ChatGPT plugin that assists in planning and tracking travel expenses. The plugin could help create a budget for the trip and give real-time updates and advice on how to stay within the budget.
  • Local Cuisine Explorer Plugin: This plugin could help food-loving travelers discover local cuisines and find the best places to try them. It could also provide translations and descriptions of local dishes.
  • Event Finder Plugin: This plugin could help travelers find local events, concerts, festivals, and exhibitions happening during their stay, and even assist in purchasing tickets.
  • Transportation Optimizer Plugin: A plugin that helps travelers find the most efficient means of transportation for their itinerary. Whether it be public transit, car rentals, or ridesharing, the plugin could provide the best options based on time and cost.
  • Sustainable Travel Plugin: For eco-conscious travelers, this plugin could provide information on sustainable travel options, including eco-friendly accommodations, carbon offset programs, and tips for minimizing environmental impact while traveling.


Nowadats, the ability to harness the power of AI through ChatGPT plugins, or sharing your services in an innovative way, can be a game-changer for enterprises. As we have explored in this article, creating a ChatGPT plugin involves a series of steps including building an API, documenting it with OpenAPI Specification, creating a manifest file, testing, refining, and finally deploying it.

By adhering to best practices and meticulously following the steps outlined, enterprises across various industries – from finance and healthcare to logistics and beyond – can create custom ChatGPT plugins tailored to their unique needs. These plugins have the potential to enhance productivity, streamline operations, and offer innovative solutions to complex challenges.

At ITMAGINATION, we understand the importance of staying ahead in the corporate landscape. We are eager and fully committed to assisting you in the development process. Our team of experts is on standby to offer guidance, technical support, and insights to ensure that your ChatGPT plugin is not just functional but excels in delivering value to your enterprise.

Together, let’s harness the power of ChatGPT and drive your enterprise towards unprecedented heights of innovation and success.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We look forward to partnering with you on this exciting journey.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for any assistance or inquiries.

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