Agile QAOps vs. Waterfall QA Approach
We believe that to become a good automation tester, you have to start with manual tests, it teaches you a specific way of thinking and combining test scenarios.
Of course, there are certainly exceptions, but unfortunately, we very often see people who start with automation, then something is missing. They think a bit more technically / programmatically and when testing, they lack the 'test' way of combining in defining scenarios, which is very important in this profession.
But I agree with the fact that test automation has become very popular in recent years. As I said before with the test pyramid reversal, automation is key to ensuring continued quality assurance. In our project, we still maintain about 3,000 end-to-end test scenarios, and their execution within the CI / CD pipelines takes an average of 220h each time. That's 9 consecutive days of clicking for one person. Fortunately, with the resources being paralleled, we manage to activate all pipelines within 5 hours. Imagine what army of manual testers would have to be involved in the project to perform such a regression after each implementation into test environments, based on manual test scenarios.
- Distributed & Robust
- Verifiable
- Trustless
- Permissionless
- Self-governing
- Has Native Built-in Payments

Benefits of using Solidity for development
Using Solidity to develop your blockchain application brings many benefits. Solidity is influenced by C++, Python and JavaScript, and is designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
- Similar to JavaScript and C++, and is easier to pick up than e.g. Rust or Go
- Wider pool of developers thanks to its influences
- Designed for developing for the EVM - the most popular web3 project
- Statically typed, supports libraries, inheritance, and user-defined types
- Multi-platform support, ensuring a secure and reliable process when it comes to settlement or agreement between two members of different platforms