Various teams at Nestlé aimed to organize the process from invoice receipt to payment by automating document processing and ensuring data compliance.
The solution targeted around 100 users across various departments, handling processes such as marketing cost management, budgeting, and mass payouts of promotional discounts. The application supports high performance and mobile document acceptance, with integration into external systems like SAP and flexible role configuration.
The goal of the project was to shorten the time from receipt of an invoice to payment, reduce the labor intensity related to document processing by automating processes, and ensure data compliance between internal systems. Additionally, the project aimed to provide a consistent reporting source.
The target group was made up of about 100 users working both in an office location and remotely. These users were employees of the following departments: Sales, Controlling, Accounting, Financial Department, Customer Service.
The application will handle the following processes:
Thanks to the new Automated Invoice Processing solution, all five teams significantly reduced the amount of time that used to be required to manually process the invoices by automating processes such as recording and processing marketing costs, supporting budgeting for marketing costs, closing unused reserves, mass payouts of promotional discounts, and integrating with the automatic RA setting module for indirect clients.
The final outcome of the product includes handling all defined business processes, high performance (fast work) of applications outside the office (web architecture), and the possibility of mobile acceptance of documents. It also features integration with external systems, e.g., SAP, and flexible role configuration, including user management.
The goal of the project was to shorten the time from receipt of an invoice to payment, reduce the labor intensity related to document processing by automating processes, and ensure data compliance between internal systems. Additionally, the project aimed to provide a consistent reporting source.
The target group was made up of about 100 users working both in an office location and remotely. These users were employees of the following departments: Sales, Controlling, Accounting, Financial Department, Customer Service.
The application will handle the following processes:
Thanks to the new Automated Invoice Processing solution, all five teams significantly reduced the amount of time that used to be required to manually process the invoices by automating processes such as recording and processing marketing costs, supporting budgeting for marketing costs, closing unused reserves, mass payouts of promotional discounts, and integrating with the automatic RA setting module for indirect clients.
The final outcome of the product includes handling all defined business processes, high performance (fast work) of applications outside the office (web architecture), and the possibility of mobile acceptance of documents. It also features integration with external systems, e.g., SAP, and flexible role configuration, including user management.
Various teams at Nestlé aimed to organize the process from invoice receipt to payment by automating document processing and ensuring data compliance.
The solution targeted around 100 users across various departments, handling processes such as marketing cost management, budgeting, and mass payouts of promotional discounts. The application supports high performance and mobile document acceptance, with integration into external systems like SAP and flexible role configuration.